22mm To 3/4" Bushing For Adj. Scoring Dimar 1925580

We will confirm stock on Dimar products prior to processing orders.

Brand: Dimar
Product Code: 1925580
Price: $8.67CAD $7.80CAD
Location Availability Min Qty
BC Warehouse Special Order - Delivery Varies 1
Dimar Canada To Be Confirmed 1
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  • Claude C
    KN95 Health Canada approved disposable mask arrived yesterday. Very nice fit, easy to breathe through and comfortable...
  • Ed Van Sickle
    The band saw blades arrived quickly an work great !..
  • wayne arnold
    Very speedy service-Very satisfied..
  • Joey L.
    A used to buy sanding belts from a local supplier, who would take at least a month to bring them. Skookum usually has them to my shop in about 10 days for the same price. ..
  • Andy
    Ordered 20 of the 6x48" 400 grit belts. They got them out to me quickly. They track perfectly and lasted well. I'm very happy with them. ..
  • Frerot Georges
    Je suis très reconnaissant pour le service et l'accommodation pour remplacer une commande qui aurait put être longue. Suite à l'échange la livraison à été rapide. Je ermecie le dévouement de l'équipe...
  • P Drouin
    Highly satisfied with this product. Shipping is super fast. Happy to buy from a canadian source. The blades are of high quality. Much better than the cheap ones from B sy B e. Will buy again. Thanks...
  • John McDonald
    Great source for batteries of all sizes for household use. Super price too...
  • Les Brown
    great product , right size and FAST shipping..
  • Ron
    Good bandsaw blades. Great price and fast shipping...
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